Community-Based Mountain Tapir Conservation

“A large animal needs a large area.
If you protect that area, you’re also protecting
thousands of other plants and animals.”

            ~ George Schaller

An initiative of:

Tapirlogo_white_lettering small

In memory of Sheryl Todd

Our mission is to protect the mountain tapir and its habitat through community-based  management, ecological restoration, and education, promoting sustainable alternatives that benefit both the species and local communities.

The Mountain Tapir

Tapirus pinchaque, its scientific name refers to its mysterious and elusive nature, like a ghost of the night.

The IUCN estimates a population of only 2500 individuals for the mountain tapir and declining. This species requires the most urgent contributions from tapir advocates around the world!

©2024 Sergio Sandoval

Our focus

We work with the communities to create the conditions for the development of research required for the management and conservation of the mountain tapir. For this purpose, we train local environmental leaders in field research techniques and housewives in the provision of lodging services for researchers, interns and volunteers. We seek that key sites for tapir conservation become community management areas for the species and research centers, where scientists from different parts of the world come to promote the conservation of the mountain tapir.

Unsung heroes of conservation like Victor Flórez, protect extensive areas of páramo and forest that now can turn into community-based mountain tapir management areas and research centers.

Our strategy

We are working on the identification of sites with the potential to become mountain tapir community-based management areas. For this we take into account some of the following criteria:

  1. Site is inhabited by the mountain tapir
  2. Serve as a dispersal corridor.
  3. Is near fragmented or could reconnect fragmented habitats.
  4. Address threats such as poaching, pathogens and invasive species.
  5. Is the focus of community-led habitat conservation initiatives.
  6. Have the potential to become a mountain tapir research center

Tapir advocates are a key part of our strategy

When people who care about the fate of the mountain tapir join our initiative, everything starts to change in favor of the species. Whether it is getting to know first-hand the work of our local partners by joining one of our expeditions, supporting our work financially or providing us with tools such as camera traps or GPS devices, each contribution makes the continuity of our work possible.

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