Mountain tapir action plans
Since 1997 a series of mountain tapir action plans have been published by different agencies, mostly from the official sector. The first document was made by IUCN’s Tapir Specialist Group, and contains a chapter devoted to the mountain tapir. Later in 2005, the Environmental Ministry of Colombia published also a general plan for the three neotropical tapirs that inhabit Colombia. This document includes a series of conservation actions proposed for the conservation of the mountain tapir. Also in 2005, the IUCN’s Tapir Specialist Group published a new action plan for the mountain tapir, both in english and spanish. In 2010, the Ministry of Environment of Ecuador published the Tapir National Strategy for the Conservation of Tapirs in Ecuador focused on the different species of tapirs that inhabit in that country. Although the plan do not contains a chapter specifically about the mountain tapir, a series of actions focused on the species are described. Finally, in 2018, the Ministry of Environment of Peru and Environment and the National Forest and Wildlife Service, published the National Plan for the Conservation of the Andean Tapir in Peru.
Some other action plans has been published recently, like the Management Plan for the Mountain Tapir in Quindío Department in central Colombia, as well as the Spectacled Bear and Mountain Tapir Conservation Plan in Putumayo Department, in southwestern Colombia. Finally, a national action plan for the conservation of the mountain tapir in national parks of Colombia, is in preparation.
Mountain Tapir PHVA
Population and Habitat Viability Assessment (PHVA) Otún-Quimbaya Flora and Fauna Sanctuary, Colombia 12 to 15 October 2004
This was the second action plan of the IUCN’s Tapir Specialist Group. It presents a series of actions to be implemented in the three countries were the species is distributed, indicating details about budgets, persons and institutions in charge. Also available in spanish
Status survey and conservation action plan Tapirs
EDITED BY Daniel M. Brooks, Richard E. Bodmer and Sharon Matola
This document was the first action plan published by the IUCN and is focused on the four species of tapirs. It contains a chapter about the mountain tapir, written by Craig C. Downer, between pages 10 and 22. The plan describes a series of actions to be implemented in three countries inhabited by the species. These actions mostly include education, community development and ecological research.
Management plan for the conservation of the mountain tapir in Quindio department
One of the last refuges of the mountain tapir in Colombia is the coffee region. There are three departments that conform the main part of this region: Caldas, Risaralda and Quindío. The last one includes territories inhabited by mountain tapirs in two different population nodes, so it’s key in keeping the connectivity between Los Nevados and the rest of the mountain tapir population in the central Andes of Colombia. This plan represents an important step towards the consolidation of mountain tapir corridors in Colombia.
Programa Nacional para la Conservación del género tapirus en Colombia
This was the first tapir conservation plan for Colombia and is still the guideline for conservation actions about the tapirs in the country. It was published in 2005 and was lead by the Environmental Ministry of Colombia and Universidad Nacional de Colombia. The draft of the document was discussed in 2003 by a diverse group of professionals from several different local and international organizations related with tapir conservation.
Plan Nacional de Conservación del Tapir Andino en el Perú
The National Conservation Plan for the Andean Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) in Peru is a guiding management tool that responds to the need to conserve and recover the populations of this critically endangered species in Peru and throughout its range. The document was prepared by the Peruvian Ministry of the Environment and the National Forest and Wildlife Service, among other institutions. It represents an important input for the conservation of this species at the southern limit of its distribution.
Mountain tapir and Spectacled bear Conservation Plan in Putumayo
The general objective of the plan is to propose management actions that allow both the maintenance of viable populations of these species and the ecological and evolutionary processes of the which are part of it. The Putumayo department is located in Southwestern Colombia, with a territory with very diverse environmental variations thanks to the existence of several different thermal floors from the basal areas with rain forests to the Andean forests and paramos. From a wide perspective Putumayo highlands show some structural connectivity with the Guácharos-Puracé biological corridor.
National Strategy for the Conservation of Tapirs in Ecuador
This document represents the outcome of the workshop organized by IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group (TSG), Ministry of Environment of Ecuador, International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN, Fatima Experimental Center. It represents a roadmap for the conservation of tapirs in Ecuador, showing different lines of action for the different species, including the mountain tapir.