Esta es una selección de publicaciones sobre la danta de montaña, incluyendo algunos trabajos clásicos publicados en los siglos XIX y XX.

Roulin, M., 1829. Memoire Pour Servir a L’histoire Du Tapir.

Cuvier, G.,  1829. Rapport sur un Mémoire de M. Roulin , ayant pour objet la découverte d’une nouvelle espèce de Tapir dans l’ Amérique du sud, fait à l’ Académie royale des Sciences.

Simpson G., 1945. Notes on Pleistocene and Recent tapirs. Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 86, article 2.

Hershkovitz P. 1954. Mammals of Northern Colombia, Preliminary report No. 7: Tapirs (Genus Tapirus), with a Systematic Review of American Species.

Schauenberg, P. 1969. Contribution à l’étude du Tapir pinchaque Tapirus pinchaque Roulin 1829.

Acosta, H., Cavelier J. & Londono S. 1996. Aportes al Conocimiento de la Biología de la Danta de Montana, Tapirus pinchaque, en los Andes Centrales de Colombia.

Downer, Craig C. 1996. The mountain tapir, endangered ‘flagship’ species of the high Andes.

Lizcano D. J. & J. Cavelier. 2000. Daily and seasonal activity of the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) in the Central Andes of Colombia.

Ruiz-García, M. et al. 2012. Phylogeography of the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) and the Central American tapir (Tapirus bairdii) and the molecular origins of the three South-American tapirs.

Castellanos, A. 2013. Iridium/GPS Telemetry to Study Home Range and Population Density of Mountain Tapirs in the Rio Papallacta Watershed, Ecuador.

Ortega-Andrade, M. et al. 2015. Ecological and Geographical Analysis of the Distribution of the Mountain Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) in Ecuador: Importance of Protected Areas in Future Scenarios of Global Warming.

Ruiz-García, M. et. al. 2016. Mitogenomics of the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque, Tapiridae, Perissodactyla, Mammalia) in Colombia and Ecuador: Phylogeography and insights into the origin and systematics of the South American tapirs.


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